A flip-flop is usually controlled by one or two control signals and/or a gate or clock signal. The output often includes the complement as well as the normal output. As flip-flops are implemented electronically, they require power and ground connections.
Set-Reset flip-flops (SR flip-flops)
The fundamental latch is the simple SR flip-flop , where S and R stand for set and reset respectively. It can be constructed from a pair of cross-coupled NOR logic gates. The stored bit is present on the output marked Q.
Normally, in storage mode, the S and R inputs are both low, and feedback maintains the Q and Q outputs in a constant state, with Q the complement of Q. If S (Set) is pulsed high while R is held low, then the Q output is forced high, and stays high even after S returns low; similarly, if R (Reset) is pulsed high while S is held low, then the Q output is forced low, and stays low even after R returns low
JK flip-flop
The JK flip-flop augments the behavior of the SR flip-flop (J=Set, K=Reset) by interpreting the S = R = 1 condition as a "flip" or toggle command. Specifically, the combination J = 1, K = 0 is a command to set the flip-flop; the combination J = 0, K = 1 is a command to reset the flip-flop; and the combination J = K = 1 is a command to toggle the flip-flop, i.e., change its output to the logical complement of its current value. Setting J = K = 0 does NOT result in a D flip-flop, but rather, will hold the current state. To synthesize a D flip-flop, simply set K equal to the complement of J. The JK flip-flop is therefore a universal flip-flop, because it can be configured to work as an SR flip-flop, a D flip-flop, or a T flip-flop.
The characteristic equation of the JK flip-flop is: Qnest = J¯Q¯+¯K¯Q
and the corresponding truth table is:
The origin of the name for the JK flip-flop is detailed by P. L. Lindley, a JPL engineer, in a letter to EDN, an electronics design magazine. The letter is dated June 13, 1968, and was published in the August edition of the newsletter. In the letter, Mr. Lindley explains that he heard the story of the JK flip-flop from Dr. Eldred Nelson, who is responsible for coining the term while working at Hughes Aircraft. Flip-flops in use at Hughes at the time were all of the type that came to be known as J-K. In designing a logical system, Dr. Nelson assigned letters to flip-flop inputs as follows: #1: A & B, #2: C & D, #3: E & F, #4: G & H, #5: J & K.
Another theory holds that the set and reset inputs were given the symbols "J" and "K" after one of the engineers that helped design the J-K flip-flop, Jack Kilby.
D flip-flop
The D flip-flop is sometimes refer to as data flip flop because it is in effect storege for one bit of data.The out put of D flip flop are always equal to the most recent value applied to the input.Hence it remembers and produces the last input.It is also referd to as delay flip flop, because it delays 0 or 1 applied to its input for a single clock pulse.
This flip flops is very useful, as it form the basis for shift registers, which are an essential part of many electronic devices. The advantage of the D flip-flop is that it "captures" the signal at the moment the clock goes high, and subsequent changes of data line do not influence Q until the next rising clock edge.
thanks for this information...it helped me for my college assignments
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